Download details

Moded Pure X Moded Pure X HUD 1.0



Size 1.04 MB

Filedate Saturday, 05 February 2022 16:41


Downloads 428

Created Saturday, 05 February 2022 15:41

Changed Wednesday, 06 March 2024 23:50


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Origin Description from here:



Just wanted to share a hud mod that is essentially a Pure X HUD however with elements found in other hud mods to suit my personal preferences and needs.
Given that I have only mixed up elements from different mods all the credits go to authors of those mods.

Pure X HUD by Familiar
Immersive GUI&HUD by juju1111
YS-HUD-Mod by Samuel Creshal
jc hud by bolgimo
X-Universe Gold UI v1.2 by TrixX
XUniverseHUD1.3 - I do not know who is the author of that mod, sorry :(

Installation: fake patch

copy .dat and .cat to X3 root folder (addon2 folder works as well)
rename .cat and .dat to the highest number

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