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Drone Carrier Software 2 (DCS2)
- More "Peace through superior firepower" by DrBullwinkle
DCS2 is a complete production and equipping system for carrier-based fighters. (In DCS2, "fighters" and "drones" are interchangeable; using the new conventions set in AP).
This next generation of DCS is the long-awaited "Balanced Mode" for the popular Drone Carrier Software.
DCS2 is also the "missing software" for the Griffon "Drone Carrier" that was a reward at the end of the Final Fury plot in TC. It continues the legacy by supporting the new M7C class of "Light Drone Carriers" in AP.
Major Features
- Drones (fighters) of several types are automatically constructed and equipped on the Carrier. This is the carrier's primary duty. The carrier can never have more drones than the number of docking bays on the carrier. OOS construction is rapid for superior sector defense. In-Sector construction is slower and more expensive.
- Drone Interceptors are the new Drone Haulers from AP (if available).
- Bomber Drones can launch torpedoes at large targets.
- Drones have a version of Turbo-Boost which allows them to get to the action a little quicker. They fly at boosted speed until in range of enemies, at which time they slow to "attack speed".
- Drones use Docking Computers for hot "combat docking".
- The new drone types are much stronger than traditional Fighter Drones, so they cost more. (They cost less than equivalent "real" ships, because they tend to die in large numbers.) Expect large engagements to cost millions of credits.
- Carrier and Drones can be commanded with any vanilla commands. DCS2-specific behaviors are added to whatever orders you give them.
- Automatic Engagement of Enemies can be turned off. This allows DCS2 to build and equip fighers for CODEA, Anarkis Defense System (ADS), and Fleet commands.
- Anti-Theft System. Any attempt to dock a drone anywhere other than its own carrier results in drone self-destruct. Any attempt to remove equipment or weapons results in immediate self-destruct. If player tries to pilot a drone, he gets a pleasant countdown before... self-destruct. ;)
- DCS2 can now be used on the player ship. The player has full control of the carrier.
- When piloted by the AI, the DCS2 carrier will automatically retreat from enemy capital ships. This will save your M7C's (and other carriers) from the certain destruction mandated by vanilla fight scripts. ;) (This behavior can be turned Off if you want the carrier to attack enemies).
- Includes Emergency Jump to protect the Drone Carrier (and other capital ships with Emergency Jump settings configured).
- An optional Weapons Depot can be selected (TL or Station). If the Weapons Depot contains sufficient Torpedoes, Shields, Guns, or Ammunition to equip a bomber, then DCS2 will use long-range teleportation to equip the bomber from the Depot. This results in substantially lower cost for bomber production. Common items that you might want in your Weapons Depot include 25MJ and 200MJ shields, Firestorm Torpedos, Wraith Missiles, Typhoon Missiles, Energy Bolt ChainGuns (plus ammo), and Mass Drivers (plus ammo).
Primary Roles
1) OOS Sector Defense.
Start DCS2 (Build Drones and Attack Enemies) on one or more carriers in a sector that gets frequent enemy invasions (Black Hole Sun, Grand Exchange, Getsu Fune, maybe Segaris). DCS2 will provide excellent sector defense (at a price, of course).
2) Fighter Supply for Your Own Carrier.
Start DCS2 (Build Drones only) on your own carrier -- perhaps just a new carrier that you want to try flying yourself (or a carrier managed by CODEA or ADS if you use them). DCS2 will keep your carrier stocked with fully-armed fighters. DCS2's fighters are not inexpensive, but they are much easier than trying to buy and equip fighters manually.
How to use
- The main menu for DCS2 is on the carrier's Combat menu; probably near the bottom.
- If all features are Off-Line, then DCS2 is complete inert. It does nothing at all in that case.
- Activate "Build Drones" to start DCS2's main feature of building and maintaining drones.
- Activate "Engage Enemies" if you want DCS2 to also automatically launch and manage fighters against enemies in range. Turn this option Off-Line if you are using CODEA or ADS to command your fighters.
- Any carrier, including TM and M7C.
- Credits. Lots of credits (but less than other carrier solutions)
- Carrier must have Carrier Command Software and a Transporter Device.
- TC or AP. AP uses new drone haulers (interceptors). TC uses standard M4 interceptors.
- Compatible with CODEA, Anarkis Defense System (ADS), and Fleet commands.
- Should be compatible with most major mods. Let me know if you have a problem. Many XRM players use DCS2.
Special Thanks to Gazz for his uber-helpful insights on drones and carriers, to Litcube and Jack08 for teaching me the oh-so-important stuff that is not documented anywhere, and to Scion Drakhar for ideas and initial testing. Also to Logain Abler, who inspired me to create DCS in the first place!
v2.07a (2015-01-01)
* Added missing language file t8561-L0xx.xml for Emergency Jump. (wanderer)
v2.07 (2013-12-15)
- Fixed issue with drones ignoring Engage Enemy Status under some conditions. (Lakz)
v2.06 (2013-12-14)
- Fixed language files. (Thanks, Tiek!)
- Changed pilot name (Tiek)
- More "Peace through superior firepower" by DrBullwinkle
DCS2 is a complete production and equipping system for carrier-based fighters. (In DCS2, "fighters" and "drones" are interchangeable; using the new conventions set in AP).
This next generation of DCS is the long-awaited "Balanced Mode" for the popular Drone Carrier Software.
DCS2 is also the "missing software" for the Griffon "Drone Carrier" that was a reward at the end of the Final Fury plot in TC. It continues the legacy by supporting the new M7C class of "Light Drone Carriers" in AP.
Major Features
- Drones (fighters) of several types are automatically constructed and equipped on the Carrier. This is the carrier's primary duty. The carrier can never have more drones than the number of docking bays on the carrier. OOS construction is rapid for superior sector defense. In-Sector construction is slower and more expensive.
- Drone Interceptors are the new Drone Haulers from AP (if available).
- Bomber Drones can launch torpedoes at large targets.
- Drones have a version of Turbo-Boost which allows them to get to the action a little quicker. They fly at boosted speed until in range of enemies, at which time they slow to "attack speed".
- Drones use Docking Computers for hot "combat docking".
- The new drone types are much stronger than traditional Fighter Drones, so they cost more. (They cost less than equivalent "real" ships, because they tend to die in large numbers.) Expect large engagements to cost millions of credits.
- Carrier and Drones can be commanded with any vanilla commands. DCS2-specific behaviors are added to whatever orders you give them.
- Automatic Engagement of Enemies can be turned off. This allows DCS2 to build and equip fighers for CODEA, Anarkis Defense System (ADS), and Fleet commands.
- Anti-Theft System. Any attempt to dock a drone anywhere other than its own carrier results in drone self-destruct. Any attempt to remove equipment or weapons results in immediate self-destruct. If player tries to pilot a drone, he gets a pleasant countdown before... self-destruct. ;)
- DCS2 can now be used on the player ship. The player has full control of the carrier.
- When piloted by the AI, the DCS2 carrier will automatically retreat from enemy capital ships. This will save your M7C's (and other carriers) from the certain destruction mandated by vanilla fight scripts. ;) (This behavior can be turned Off if you want the carrier to attack enemies).
- Includes Emergency Jump to protect the Drone Carrier (and other capital ships with Emergency Jump settings configured).
- An optional Weapons Depot can be selected (TL or Station). If the Weapons Depot contains sufficient Torpedoes, Shields, Guns, or Ammunition to equip a bomber, then DCS2 will use long-range teleportation to equip the bomber from the Depot. This results in substantially lower cost for bomber production. Common items that you might want in your Weapons Depot include 25MJ and 200MJ shields, Firestorm Torpedos, Wraith Missiles, Typhoon Missiles, Energy Bolt ChainGuns (plus ammo), and Mass Drivers (plus ammo).
Primary Roles
1) OOS Sector Defense.
Start DCS2 (Build Drones and Attack Enemies) on one or more carriers in a sector that gets frequent enemy invasions (Black Hole Sun, Grand Exchange, Getsu Fune, maybe Segaris). DCS2 will provide excellent sector defense (at a price, of course).
2) Fighter Supply for Your Own Carrier.
Start DCS2 (Build Drones only) on your own carrier -- perhaps just a new carrier that you want to try flying yourself (or a carrier managed by CODEA or ADS if you use them). DCS2 will keep your carrier stocked with fully-armed fighters. DCS2's fighters are not inexpensive, but they are much easier than trying to buy and equip fighters manually.
How to use
- The main menu for DCS2 is on the carrier's Combat menu; probably near the bottom.
- If all features are Off-Line, then DCS2 is complete inert. It does nothing at all in that case.
- Activate "Build Drones" to start DCS2's main feature of building and maintaining drones.
- Activate "Engage Enemies" if you want DCS2 to also automatically launch and manage fighters against enemies in range. Turn this option Off-Line if you are using CODEA or ADS to command your fighters.
- Any carrier, including TM and M7C.
- Credits. Lots of credits (but less than other carrier solutions)
- Carrier must have Carrier Command Software and a Transporter Device.
- TC or AP. AP uses new drone haulers (interceptors). TC uses standard M4 interceptors.
- Compatible with CODEA, Anarkis Defense System (ADS), and Fleet commands.
- Should be compatible with most major mods. Let me know if you have a problem. Many XRM players use DCS2.
Special Thanks to Gazz for his uber-helpful insights on drones and carriers, to Litcube and Jack08 for teaching me the oh-so-important stuff that is not documented anywhere, and to Scion Drakhar for ideas and initial testing. Also to Logain Abler, who inspired me to create DCS in the first place!
v2.07a (2015-01-01)
* Added missing language file t8561-L0xx.xml for Emergency Jump. (wanderer)
v2.07 (2013-12-15)
- Fixed issue with drones ignoring Engage Enemy Status under some conditions. (Lakz)
v2.06 (2013-12-14)
- Fixed language files. (Thanks, Tiek!)
- Changed pilot name (Tiek)
v2.05 (2013-12-13)
- Several bug fixes, including those reported by anachron13 (thanks!)
- Kill any existing drone commands when docking (fixes problem with repeated docking. Again. Maybe.)
- Fixed shield costs and pull from Weapons Depot.
- Fixed custom drone rebate (was negative, causing too high costs). (Diggz)
- Fixed Turbo Boosters so that they actually turn off as intended.
- Fixed In-Sector build timer so that there is always a delay *before* the first drone is built. (anachron13)
- Fixed a bug in setting Engagement Range (menu).
- Added hotkey for drone RTB (Return To Base) command. Recalls drones to all DCS2 carriers in the player's sector. (Krogort)
- Added ADS support (thanks again, anachron13!)
- XRM: Carrier does not jump if max speed = 0 (for added XRM Orbital Weapons Platforms: anachron13).
- XRM: Removed Transporter Device, Triplex Scanner, and Docking Computer from Anti-Theft list. (XRM The Cuban Nightmare, Obliss, russbo, Etyneo, others and XTC Adrian O)
- XRM: Duplex Scanner.if Triplex does not fit.
- XRM: Use M3B instead of SpecOps bomber. (ATF Norn 683+1).
- Bomber type(s) can now be defined in the t file.
- Drones now carry an Advanced Satellite (if it will fit). Good for battlefield intelligence and exploring.
- Homebase On/Off/Auto. Player may want to hide homebased ships. (Marvin Martian, foxtrot76)
- All CODEA Required Equipment installed by default: FCS 1&2, Nav 1, Triplex or Duplex Scanner, Docking Computer, CBLS, Special Command Software (russbo). (Note that some mods may change some equipment so that it will not fit on fighters. XRM/XTC. XRM has an optional fix for CODEA Docking Computers.)
- In-Sector Manufacturing Time is adjustable (under Custom Settings in the DCS2 menu). (OOS Manufacturing Time must be zero for reliable OOS defense.)
New Options in the t file:
Carrier Defaults
Homebase (yes, no, auto).
Add drones to wings (yes, no).
In-Sector Manufacturing Time (seconds).
Drone Info.
Base Drone Interceptor Cost. Default=100,000.
Drone Bomber Cost Percentage Multiplier.
In-Sector Cost Percentage Multiplier.
Rebate Percentage Multiplier. Bonus for using the Weapons Depot. If ware is in the Depot, then rebate this percentage of cost of the weapon.
Drone Bomber Lifetime (seconds).
Drone Interceptor speed (for automatically-chosen drone M4's). Default=300.
Drone Bomber speed. Default=175.
Turbo Boost Multiper Percentage. Default=200.
Maximum Peace-Time Bomber Percent. Default=30.
Bomber subtype1. Default=293. (293=SpecOps Bomber, 683=XRM ATF Norns, 523=XRM Teladi Hawk, 150=Falcon Hauler)
Bomber subtype2 Default=683. (subtype2 is automatically chosen when the normal bomber subtype1 is not an M3.)
Bomber subtype3 Default=150. (subtype3 is automatically chosen when subtype2 is not an M3.)
v2.04 (anachron13's fork)
v2.03 (2013-06-23)
- No longer automatically returns drones to base when "Engage Enemies" is Offline. Use the "Drones: RTB" command instead. This prevents a potential problem when using DCS2 with your custom drone commands. (RunaKitun, others).
v2.02 (2013-06-22)
- New Feature: Allow selection of drone model. (ezza84, The Cuban Nightmare, Marvin Martian)
- Added true costs for custom-selected drone models. Shields, Guns, and Missiles can be stocked at Weapons Depot for discount on costs. (Automatically-selected drones are still heavily discounted).
- Removed Triplex Scanner and Transporter Device from the Anti-Theft checklist (for XRM players). (The Cuban Nightmare).
- Added Cargo LifeSupport System for CODEA (ezza84).
- Removed Homebase when docked to prevent independent launches.
- Bug Fixed: Orbital Weapon Platforms try to evade
- Bug Fixed: Carriers evade even with "Retreat" turned Off.
- All Bombers are now SpecOps Bombers (because they do not blow themselves up). Bomber price increased to match.
- Excess Bombers are recycled during peace time in order to make room for Interceptors. Otherwise, Bombers would eventually fill all hangar bays. Recycling sends wares to Weapons Depot and/or refunds cost of remaining wares.
- Weapons Depot will consume Hammerheads before converting Firestorms to Hammerheads.
- Weapons Depot will convert Firestorms to Wraiths, if necessary, for SpecOps Bombers.
- Fixed "Drone Bomber" text to just drone bombers.
- Added Menu Command: Drones RTB. Forces drones to Return To Base (carrier).
v2.01 (2013-06-08)
- Bug Fix: Production stalled sometimes.
- Added Navigation Command Software to all drones.
- Added a check for invalid drone types (to handle ship mods such as XRM).
- Added Price Options to t file: drone base cost, bomber multiplier, IS multiplier.
- Simplified drone task while docked at its own carrier.
- Improved event timing, especially for bomber build time.
- Improved Turbo Booster.
v2.00 Final (2013-06-07)
- Initial Public release
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