[b]Logain Industries Drone Defence Network (DDN) [/b]
Logain Industries DDN provides automated Drone response to acts of aggression against player owned stations and provides security to Sectors of importance.
[b]Gate Network Integration[/b]:
Advancements in teleportation technology pioneered by Logain Industries have enabled direct integration with the Gate network.
[b]Quantum Virtual Storage[/b]:
Logain Industries have made ground-breaking advancements in the principle of Ethereal Quantum State Storage and Solid-State Quantum-Memory Matrixes to indefinitely hold the propertied of object in virtual storage.
The marriage of the two Technologies enables DDN to centralise drone storage, provide centralised command and control and rapid Drone response to all stations with Teleportation technology across the known Gate network
[b]Previously known as SSDN, DDN is the AP replacement of SSDN[/b]
[b]X3 Version and Issues[/b]:
[b]-[/b] DDN is for X3:AP only
[b]-[/b] This will not work with SSDN
[b]-[/b] There could be issues with other scrips that use Advance Satellites[/b]
[b]-[/b] [b][i][color=red]When DDN is disabled on an Advance Satellite, either individually or Sector wide the Advance Satellite(s) is destroyed and replaced. This ensures a clean transition and clear down of any tasks or stored settings[/color][/i][/b]
[b]Required Utilities[/b]:
DDN requires [url=http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=218088]Community Plugin Configuration [/url] by Cycrow.
[b]Technical Info[/b]:
Script uses file 9911-L044 for text strings
Script uses file 09911 for Log File
[b]Install of script files[/b]:
Manually install files from the script.zip. This link contains a guide for installing script files manually.
Great guide also by Cycrow [url=http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=216693]link[/url]
[b]]Turn on AL Plugin[/b]:
Great guide by LV shows how to turn on an AL Plug-in [url=http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=238904]link[/url]
Please share this download, simply highlight and copy the bbcode and paste on the forum. Easy download link.