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Rename Ships with Expression (RSwE)
Based on Loky77's RSwE 1.7 found here
Nonary source
Greek numerals source
If you have any requests or found any bugs, please let me know!
Greetings Medevel
Based on Loky77's RSwE 1.7 found here
While basing on Loky's version, my version of RSwE has only the general functions in common with Loky's RSwE.
Because i changed every File Name and the Command Slot, you could use my RSwE and Loky's RSwE at the same time,
but i don't recommend this.
I recommend to uninstall all other RSwE-related scripts before installing this version of RSwE.
there should be no script-related problems, but it can confuse the user, having two or more RSwE-Commands
run the uninstall script uninstall.plugin.rswe
in T directory:
in Script directory:
Remove the following files -
Rename current ship
Rename ship from which the command was launch on -
Rename current target
the current target of the Playership -
Rename a ship (select from sector)
Rename a single ship selected from the universe map. A docked ship cannot be
renamed this way. -
Rename all ships in sector
Rename all ship of a given class (or superclass) in a selected sector. You
don't have to be in this sector. Docked ships cannot be renamed this way. -
Rename all ships in Universe
Rename all ship of a given class (or superclass) in X3 universe. Docked ships
WILL be renamed too. -
Rename docked ships
Rename ships docked inside a carrier/station -
Rename all ships in wing
Rename the ships which are member of the selected wing -
Rename selected ship/station with RSwE defaults
Renames one ship/station, selected from the universe map, with internal default values. -
Rename all ships with RSwE defaults
Rename all ships in X3 universe with internal defaults values. -
Rename NPC Ships/Stations
Here you can Rename Ships/Stations belonging to an NPC Race
Menu contains:-
Select Race
Will select a race for commands 3-6 -
Rename a ship (select from sector)
Rename a single ship selected from the universe map. -
Rename all ships in sector
Rename all ship of a given class (or superclass) in a selected sector. -
Rename all ships in Universe
Rename all ship of a given class (or superclass) in X3 universe. -
Rename selected ship/station with RSwE defaults
Renames one ship/station, selected from the universe map, with internal default values. -
Rename all ships/stations with RSwE defaults
Rename all ships in X3 universe with internal defaults values. -
Rename all Ownerless ships in Universe
Rename all Ownerless ships in X3 universe. -
Rename Ownerless Ships with RSwE defaults
Rename all Ownerless Ships in X3 universe with internal defaults values.
Select Race
Edit Defaults
Will able you to change the renaming defaults values ingame
So no more changing the T-File needed -
Edit clipboard
Will set one of the clipboard (99 available). You will be able to use them later
with *Ynn expressions -
Edit Wares List
Will set one of the Wares (99 available). You will be able to use them later
with *Wnn expressions. -
AL-Plugins Settings
This contains all AL-Plugin Options:-
Set Interval of the Dynamic Naming
Will Set the Interval for the Dynamic Naming routine, so that it runs more
or less often. 1 Interval is 5 seconds, the default interval is 12 so 60 seconds.
the shorter the interval the more it is likely that RSwE will cause hicups or lags
if you experience these try raising the interval. -
Set Interval of the Arrays Reset for DN
This will let you set, after how many cycles DN will recollect all DN-Ships/stastions -
Set Interval of the AutoNaming
Will Set the Interval for the Automatic Naming routine, so that it runs more
or less often. 1 Interval is 5 seconds, the default interval is 6 so 30 seconds.
the shorter the interval the more it is likely that RSwE will cause hicups or lags
if you experience these try raising the interval. -
Set Dynamic Naming for each Race
This switches control if a NPC Race is processed by DN or not -
Set Automatic Naming for each Race and Ownerless Ships
This switches control if a NPC Race Ships or Ownerless Ships are processed by AN or not
Set Interval of the Dynamic Naming
Keep menu open
This option will enables the Menu to keep open after renaming
if a process is taking some time the menu will disapear but will reopen
when the process is completed. -
Reset Formation ID's
This option will reset the ID's of all formation and force RSwE to setup all
formation ID's new, this help if you formed and dismissed a few formations
and the ID's are not more continuous -
Seperate Wings from Formations
This option will seperate wings from formations, that means Wings will get their
own greek letter, but wont be counted in other formation, even they would be
for example gold wing is protectiong the player ship but the gold wing will
appear to be in a different formation. -
Toggle Greek letters nonary system for Formation IDs
this option will use the nonary numbers system composed of
greek letters for the Formation ID's used in *FP -
Toggle Token to sort Playership always on top
This Option will add a space infront of the Playerships name so that it
will be first in lists sortet by names -
Set amount of Products *TP should show
This Option will set the maximum of products shown by *TP
The Default Value is 3 -
Display Style for *AR
Summarized or Seperated Display -
Display Style for *MR
Summarized or Seperated Display -
Seperate Formation Index per Depth
β01-09 γ01-13 instead of β01-09 γ10 - 23 -
Deaktivate the custom Edit Menu
If you don't like or can't control the Edit Menu use this option
to turn it OFF
note before confusing if this option is ON the Edit Menu is OFF
if this option is OFF the Edit Menu is ON -
RSwE Menu does not trigger Autopilot
If this option is ON RSwE will use an Exception to bypass
the Autopilot activation, but the RSwE must close to
have the effect -
Short help sent into your incoming messages.
You have to close your command console to trigger the sending though. -
Export Presets to Logfile
Exports a new T-File with your current presets (ingame Clipboard and Defaults)
as the logfile log08860.txt located in YOURDOCUMENTS\Egosoft\YOURGAME
remane this file to 8860-L0XX.xml and move it to YOURGAMEINSTALLPATH\t
overwrite the current file
XX is your language code:
07 - Russian
33 - French
34 - Spanish
39 - Italian
42 - Czech
44 - English
48 - Polish
49 - German
86 - Simplified Chinese
88 - Traditional Chinese
Rename current ship
To Uninstall the script, you have to:
This script has been developed to allow quick and powerful renaming functions
to use with your ships and stations. The method of entry means that you can give
names unique to each ship in large batches. Whether you are renaming a small
group or all of your ships in the universe is up to you.
Central to the idea of RSwE are the Expressions. These are like "text shortcuts"
which are intrepreted by the script to produce context-defined results. When
combined with standard text this allows you to specify names that are both
unique to your ships and customized to your prefrence. Thus, if you have a group
of three Buster Raiders to rename, entering *CL-*TA Orion *NN will rename them
to M4-BR Orion 1, 2, and 3.
There are also 3 hotkeys:
1. for the renaming menu so you can access it.
2. for rename all ships and station with the Defaults
3. for rename the current playership target
You can find the hotkey under Options->Controls->Interface, it has no keybinding as default.
There are 2 AL-Plugins
1. RSwE Dynamic Naming
2. RSwE Automatic Naming
There are 26 RSwE commands available in Custom menu:
One note is that while the universe option will rename regardless of state, the
sector option will not rename docked ships. This can be useful as a way to
exclude ships that you don't want to rename.
List of RSwE Expressions
- *ON : Old name used before you asked for the renaming.
- *OS : Save the current name as Old Name which is used in *ON
- *ID : ID Code
- *HB : Home Base
- *HS : Home Sector
- *SC : Current sector
- *SA : Abbreviation of sector name, like HoL, PP, PR
- *SR : Abbreviation with Race owner of sector, like A.HoL, P.PP, P.PR
- *SN : Incrementing sector counter for numbering ship inside
- *CL : Class Name - M1, M3, TS, etc
- *TN : Type Name - Raptor, Nova Raider, Demeter Hauler, etc
- *TS : Type Short - Ship main type + Abbreviation like Nova NR, Dolphin DSF
- *TA : Type Abbreviation - Ra, NR, DH, etc
- *TH : Trader Level like UT 24, CAG 4
- *TM : Trader Mission like UT, CAG
- *TL : Trader Level without Mission ex. 24 instead UT 24
- *TR : Trader Range (only works with MK3 Optimization Reloaded by gnasirator)
- *FS : Pilot Fight Skill
- *PS : Pilot stats (Morale + Agression level)
*FR : Name of highest leader (in case of consecutive follows), or "Leader" if the
current ship is the highest Leader - *FL : Name of direct Leader
- *FP : Formation ID, like α1, β1... ,ωn, αn+1 . Also flag the highest leader.
- *FO : Depth in formation lines (from alpha for all leaders to omega for followers)
- *FN : Incrementing number with leader zero, plus prefix W if wingman, or L if leader
- *FI : Ship ID number inside its formation
- *WI : Adds the wing and colors the wing name
- *NN : Incrementing unique number
- *ZN : Incrementing number with leading zero
- *NV : Short name for satellites
- *TP : Product sold by your factory
- *RC : Base Creator of the Shiptype - Nova -> Argon, Raptor -> Split, Baldric -> Terran
- *RA : Adds the Ships Creator Race Abbreviation - Nova -> Arg, Baldric -> Ter
- *OR : Adds the Ships Owner Race - Argon, Terran
- *OA : Adds the Ships Owner Race Abbreviation - Argon = Arg, Terran = Ter
- *DS : Adds Amount and Classes of the docked Ships
- *CS : Free Cargospace of the ship
- *CU : The Ware which uses the most Cargospace and its amount
- *CE : Energiecells left in Cargospace
- *CA : Ammunition left in Cargospace of installed Weapons
- *AR : Shows the Resupply Info for Ammunition
- *CM : Missiles left in Cargospace installed Missiles leading
- *MR : Shows the Resupply Info for Missiles
- *WC : Show the Maximum WareClass for the Ship
- *G01 - *G24 : Greek letters from 01 for α to 24 for ω
- *GC01 - *GC24 : Greek letters from 01 for Α to 24 for Ω
- *GN : Incrementing unique number using the Nonary system composed of greek letters
*DN : Store a naming scheme on ships. This scheme will be used by the AL plug-in
[to rename your ship regularly. It must be used at the beginning of the string -
*Y01 - *Y99 : Your text clipboards (use a single space to empty clipboard in
the Set clipboard menu) - *W01 - *W99 : Ware and amount in cargo bay of ship/station (set in Edit Wares List menu)
- *LN : Locks the current name to the ship and only updates it if *LN or *UL is present
*UL : UnLock the Lock set by *LN
Colors:- *KW : White
- *KR : Red
- *KY : Yellow
- *KG : Green
- *KB : Blue
- *KX : Normal
- *KC : Cyan
- *KM : Magenta
- *KO : Orange
- *KA : Gray
- *KK : Random
The Color bug was fixed with patch X3TC 3.1. Thanks Egosoft!
Note on dynamic renaming:
The dynamic renaming can be activated and deactivated using the AL menu (in Gameplay
menu, last option). This function is provided to help you with some expressions that can
change during your play time, like sector names, skill levels...
Also note that dynamic names are preponderant on any name you can enter manually.
Dynamic names must be cleared if you want to enter another static name, using only *DN as name.
Note on automatic renaming:
The automatic renaming can be activated and deactivated using the AL menu (in Gameplay
menu, last option). This function is provided to help you with new build ships, cause they
will be renamed with the default for that class when this routine cycles.
It renames every Ship or Station which has not been renamed by RSwE before.
Note on Locking/Unlocking names:
if you use *LN in combination with *DN, the locked name will be set in the DN-routine
and will reset itself if you use *LN or *UL without *DN to the prevoius locked name
so make sure you either deactivate DN by rename the ship with "*DN"(without quotationmarks)
and then use *LN or *UL, or use *LN or *UL in combination with *DN!
You can review the list of expressions anytime by choosing Help option from RSwE menu.
Loky77 who maintained RSwE until version 1.7
Klyith who wrote the original script
Gazz who converted it to X3TC and added some commands
A big thank to them.
Nonary source
Greek numerals source
A nonary system is a numbering system like our decimal system,
in our decimal system we have the digits 1-9 + 0
in a nonary system you have the digits 1-8 + 0
so in decimal we are counting
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ....
in a nonary system we count
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ....
i needed to use a nonary system cause i had only 24 greek letters
but for a decimal system i would need 27 letters,
Each unit (1, 2, …, 9) assigned a separate letter,
each tens (10, 20, …, 90) a separate letter, and
each hundreds (100, 200, …, 900) a separate letter.
the original greek numbering system was decimal, but it had 3 extra
letters, digamma ϝ for 6, qoppa ϟ for 90, and sampi ϡ for 900.
but it seemed X3 could not display them as they always appeared blank
Added Rename NPC Ships/stations requested by joelR
Here you can Rename Ships/Stations belonging to an NPC Race - Added NPC Races to DN
- Added NPC Races to AN
- Added options to toggle Race for DN
- Added options to toggle Race for AN
- Added Category AL-Plugin options to clean up the menu
Rewritten Dynamic Naming to reduce Lag and Process Time,
caused by the amount of ships/stations the NPC races own -
Added an option to control the interval when DN refreshes
the DN ship list, the interval is by default 3, means every
third DN-Cycle, after the first Cycle, DN refreshes the DN
ship list which takes some time, in addition this feature
was not added to AN because AN only renames a ship one time
and after that it skips the ship -
Added *OR
Adds the Ships Owner Race - Argon, Terran -
Added *OA
Adds the Ships Owner Race Abbreviation - Argon = Arg, Terran = Ter -
Added Defaults for Argon, ATF, Boron, Goner, Khaak, Paranid
Pirates, Split, Teladi, Terran, Xenon and Yaki to the T-File - Added option to edit NPC-Race defaults ingame
- Added ingame-edited NPC-Race defaults to Export-To-T-File
- Changed Edit Default Menu to stay open
- Changed Edit Clipboard Menu to stay open
- Changed Edit Wares Menu to stay open
- Changed all defaults to use *TA instead of *TS
Changed *CL to feature Station classes
most of them are custom class names, since X doesn't
distinguish Weapon Fatories from Food Factories -
Changed Station defaults to use *CL instead of *TN
due to the changes made to *CL -
Removed *ZN form every default because Autonaming would produce
duplicate names on long term runs
example: three times "Argon M3 Nov 28" looks more strange then
three hundred times "Argon M3 Nov" - Changed *TN, *TS, *TA and *TP to filter out the maker race
- Added ownerless ships default
- Added Rename Ownerless Ships to Rename NPC Ships requested by Archaryon
- Added Ownerless ships to AN
- Added option to toggle Ownerless ships for AN
- Added option to change Ownerless Ships default ingame
- Added Ownerless Ships Default to the Export Function
- Added Comments to exportet T-File
Added Rename NPC Ships/stations requested by joelR
(Only the last change is listed here for more infos on past versions see the readme file above)
Code: |
Note for other Modder/Scripter This script use the Text file/Page ID: 8860. It also uses Custom Command ID: 1555 |
If you have any requests or found any bugs, please let me know!
Greetings Medevel
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