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Equip s Equip ships



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Filedate Thursday, 08 March 2012 00:00


Downloads 1,520

Created Saturday, 16 June 2012 17:25

Changed Saturday, 16 June 2012 17:25


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This script allows equipment of ships almost automatically:
(Almost because of a few menus to configure equipment)

Even there are significant costs for equipment You might see this script as a cheat because there is no check of reputation or availability of goods at the equipment dock.

Screenshots can be found within the German discussion at: [url][/url]

[b]What are the different scripts for?[/b]
[quote]1. Main-script "CS.LOOP.Schiffe.ausruesten"
Parameter: none

The script runs in an continuous loop and checks two conditions:
Are there more than 100.000 credits at player's account and is the player's ship docked at any station?
In this case You will get a list to select a ship waiting at an equipment dock to be equipped.
The script decides by name of ship whether a ship needs equipment or not (equipped ships carry a '°' in their names).
The selected ship will be equipped using the following scripts and all turrets will be set to 'missile defense' (!turret.missiledefense.std).

If no ship was selected the menu will not re-appear before the player docks at another station.[/quote]
[quote]2. The script for extensions "CS.SUB.Erweiterungen"
Parameter: The ship to be equipped

This script is called from the main script and equips the ship after showing a selection menu.[/quote]
[quote]3. The script for shields "CS.SUB.Schilde"
Parameter: The ship to be equipped

This script is called from the main script and equips the ship with the maximum installable shields.
Weaker shields are removed.[/quote]
[quote]4. The script for lasers "CS.SUB.Laser"
Parameter: The ship to be equipped

This script - the most complicate of all my scripts - is called from the main script and checks for a present configuration which will be shown to the player in order to decide whether to change it - or not.
Without changes the ship is automatically equipped with the pre-set lasers.
To change You'll be shown a menu with all turrets (only by numbers, no directions like 'front' or so) and lasers installed (or not).
For all changes are made within the ship (install and remove) changing of weapons directly will result in costs.
If possible all empty slots can be filled with ONE type.
The menu can only be left if there are no empty slots.
Configuration is stored in a global variable.
Unfortunately I found no way to write AND read configuration to/from a file...
Therefor with EVERY new game You will have to reconfigure.[/quote]

[b]How are costs calculated?[/b]
For every piece of equipment installed the MAXIMUM price is added to total.
For every piece of equipment removed the MINIMUM price is deducted from total.
As a result it can happen the total amount of a laser is 0 costing 100.000 Credits...

As additional charge 20% of the total amount - at least 1000 credits - are added.

If You are unable to pay all the price at once for each hour (in-game-time) there is an interest of 1% to the remaining amount.

As long the order isn't completely payed there no new orders can be given.

[b]How do I install the scripts?[/b]
UnZIP the file and put the scripts into TC's and/or AP's scripts-folder(s).
The language file(s) have to be located to the corresponding t-folder(s).

[b]How do I start the scripts?[/b]
On activation of the script-editor the script "setup.CS.Schiffsausruester" will ask You if the script shall be run - now, later or not.
Running later as [u]global script[/u] can be done by a "Re-Init Script Caches" or executing script "CS.LOOP.Schiffe.ausruesten".

[b]How to uninstall the scripts?[/b]
Normally I would say: delete them.
The script checks "Am I still here?" and ends itself if not. (I hope problems are avoided that way.)
[u]Version 5[/u] adds a check for the version of the script engine disabling the file-check for TC.
Therefore there's no warranty deleting of files will be enough or even damage Your savegame. (A hint from experienced scripters would be helpful here. Thanks.)

[b]Does the script run with TC?[/b]
[u]With Version 5[/u] it should run on TC (see above)

[b]Problems with other scripts?[/b]
Not tested.
But as the equipment is checked only by the name of a ship (with or without "°"), there might be problems with scripts or mods "messing around" with the ship-names.

[b]There was a message like "xxx destroyed". How do I restore my equipment?[/b]
Rename the ship by removing the "°". (e.g. make "Your Buster°" "Your Buster"again.)
And - of course - send the ship to an equipment dock.
Warning: If You changed the default armament the lasers will be equipped using the new configuration (additional costs).

[b]Have fun.[/b]

BTW: I'd be happy about ANY responses (Happy about ANY? Not really but... ;))

[u]v4.01:[/u] In v4 the laser slots where empty or the existent lasers were shown instead of the lasers to be installed when asking to use saved configuration. Fixed. 

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