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Improved Collect W Improved Collect Wares



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Filedate Friday, 19 April 2013 19:52


Downloads 1,281

Created Friday, 17 October 2014 18:52

Changed Friday, 17 October 2014 18:52


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I'm playing X3 TC now after shelving it for a few years to mature. However I'm getting stuck into fixing things again so maybe I still won't "complete" it. Anyway, this time I will contribute back to the community some of the fixes I make. Here is something I whipped up on a Sunday evening. It should work the same in TC or AP:

Improved Collect Wares (replaces but does not overwrite default collect wares command - so Steam shouldn't erase it):


* Fixes(avoids) the teleporting turret bug affecting SMART and MARS users when running the default "Collect Wares" or any other scripts that use the built in command to collect a ware. Technically it will still happen, but at a short enough range that it is almost like normal behavior. If Egosoft fixes the bug, it will work perfectly.
* Fixes the spin of shame bug which makes "Collect Wares" useless for fast and/or low maneuverability ships. I have not tested this on every ship in every mod so if you still find one that doesn't work right just install a transporter device. Fixing it any further would add too much complication for my purposes.
* Automatically uses the transporter device (with proper effects) if installed for long range collection. No it doesn't require energy or other such nonsense as the transporter doesn't require it for any other function. With a good ship and a transporter device it is typically much faster, more lore friendly and less troublesome than using MARS goblins or similar scripts.
* Will not pick up goods which are illegal in the current sector. These need to be picked up individually if you want them. This makes the command much safer to use.
* Will not collect rudder or engine tunings if found. It could be sad to waste your rare pandora tunings on a collector TS.
* Does not cheat! It will only collect crates which the ship's sensors can see. However it will update that list even as it is collecting. It will not stop until everything legal it sees is collected or it runs out of cargo space (it will pick up everything it possibly can). Also the command will only run on the ships for which the command would normally run on.
* Automatically returns to the ship's homebase when done collecting. If no homebase is set, the collecting ship will dock at the nearest safe station and wait. It will use a jumpdrive if configured using the ship's default jump settings. If the player is driving the ship, the ship will simply stop and notify.
* Will notify player when its done collecting by using the "Cargo Bay Closed" (in whatever language you are running) audio clip.
* Language neutral. Should work the same on any language version of X3 TC or AP.
* Works fine with XRM and XTC and probably most other mods.

Thanks to Lucike, TECSG, Huefte, and Xai Corp who's code I scanned over to learn how to write a script like this... but then I did it my own way. I just can't imagine why no one has bothered to write this before. It was so easy to fix up.

Well, anyway that's it - use it or don't. Like it or forget it. I made it to save me trouble and if it's useful to you, then I'm happy to have improved your game. I will follow this thread for a little bit to see if there are any bugs I want to fix or simple features to add (it should remain simple and universal). After that, just feel free to hack the code to your liking if it doesn't suit you or something breaks in the future. No permissions or credit required.

*FIXED 19 Feb 2014*

TO INSTALL: Just unzip archive into your X3 folder. Scripts for TC and AP will both be installed. The plugin manager is fine too.
TO UPGRADE: Overwrite the old files with the new ones.
TO UNINSTALL: Delete the same files that are in the zip archive. Nothing more to it. It shouldn't harm your save game.

If anyone wants to rehost this somewhere else, please feel free to do so. The download link I provided will eventually expire. To contact me if I am no longer using this forum, just use my name@name domain.

    0.1 Initial Release
    0.1b Small change so that Betty only speaks if the player is in the collecting ship. Accidently left that on for testing. She will still announce "cargo bay closed" whether you are in the ship or not as I find that helpful to know when collection is finished.
    0.2 Reduced Betty verbosity for 4x faster transporter collection. Fixed bug with transporter and empty wares. More closely matched collection range with visible crates range.

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