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Prospector Signal_Targ Prospector Signal_Targeted



Size 88.37 KB

Filedate Friday, 06 September 2013 05:19

Filename X3TC_AP_Prospector_3303_Signal_Targeted_V1.5.rar

Downloads 991

Created Monday, 07 May 2012 16:37

Changed Monday, 07 May 2012 16:37


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A small script mod for the excellent Prospector from Lucike to implement the function Signal_Targeted (on TS class ships) used by gnasirator in its Explorer.

With this function the TS Prospector will flee from enemy when targeted before being attacked.

My deepest thanks to gnasirator for allowing the use of his scripts adapted for the occasion at Prospector and for the support provided.

Thanks also go to TECSG for his helpful advice.

The mod works with Lucike Prospector V. 3303.

The modified original files (I recommend saving them) are the txt file 8006 and the script

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