Argon, Boron, Teladi, Split and Paranid will hate ATF & Terran
ATF & Terran will hate Argon, Boron, Teladi, Split and Paranid
Pirates will hate everyone except Teladi
Yaki will hate everyone except Teladi
All races except Teladi will hate Pirates and Yaki
and last but not least since Argon, Boron, Teladi and Split joined forces
in X3 AP i made them also friends of each other.
No more battles where Argon forces battle Terran forces and Teladi forces just standby and think.. yesssss .. profitttssss
No more pirates neutral to all other races
No, this will mean war .. bloody and relentless.

"Your pirate clan destroyed and you only barely escaping with your ship and you life. It's now time for payback. Lead a life of piracy and make the universe yours by what ever means necessary."
This Mod adds four game starts for playing a pirate.
Two if the starts are regular pirate starts.
The other two starts are Yaki pirate starts.
And you are allies with the Pirate and the Yaki.
All other races attitudes towards you vary depending on the game start you select.
Starting ships, equipment and credits all vary depending on the start selected.
Each start places you in a different sector, the captain starts have a few sectors already known.
Plots are enabled in these starts, though it may not be easy to get them, it is possible.
These game starts were created with Serial Kicked's "Pirate Guild" and "Yaki Armada" scripts in mind. And it seems fitting to install those when playing one of these starts, as they will add more depth to this type of game play.
Not to mention that without them, these might just be a near impossible starts to play.
[b][url=] Pirate Guild[/url][/b] - By Serial Kicked
[b][url=] Yaki Armada[/url][/b] - By Serial Kicked
* This mod is free to be reused in your scripts/mods as long as you say thank you in your topic.
[b]SPK Version[/b]
Use Cycrow's X-Universe Plugin Manager Lite to install. The files will be placed in the X3 -TC folder as a "Fake Patch".
[b]ZIP Version[/b]
Just extract the PirateStarts.dat and .cat to your X3-TC "mods" folder. They may also be used as a fake patch by changing the CAT and DAT file names to the next higher number in your X3-TC folder. (Example; if X3TC folder has and 12.dat as highest numder, then rename the and .dat to & 13.dat and place them in the same folder)
[b][u][color=#d4ff00]Files Modified / ID's Used[/color][/u][/b]
gamestarts.xml & starts.xml
Gamestart ID's used are; 226, 227, 228 & 229
As always, questions and comments are welcome.
Version 1.30
1) All four starts now start you out as neutral to everyone, you are not liked nor disliked.
Version 1.20
1) Replaced variables for engine and rudder tunings with their Max amount. (variables were not actually setting to max.)
Version 1.10
1) Tweaked the "Pirate Prowler" start.
2) Added the "Pirate Captain" Start.
3) Added the "Yaki Grunt" start.
4) Added the "Yaki Captain" start.
Version 1.00
1) Initial Release.

this mod brings the X2 nebulas in to X3 (R , TC , AP )

Hi all
Ever got sick of being just out of comm range of a station, looking longingly at the missions symbol above it, and just as you get in range and hit the comm button, it goes away?
Now you don't have to worry about that anymore, with improvements in sub-space communication, you can talk in real time to anyone, or anything for that matter (if it deigns to respond), within 500km of your ship. No more bothersome 25km range, now you have true freedom to talk.
Extract files into your X3:TC directory for the first one, or to the addon directory for the AP one, then rename [b]both[/b] the .cat and .dat files to the next highest number in the directory.
i.e. Your files go up to, rename these two to
Note: You do [b]NOT[/b] need to start a new game for this to take effect, it will happily work with any existing game.
Further note: If you have changed anything in the Globals.txt file (which is what this changes) either through a fake patch or otherwise, this will overwrite those changes, as only the comm range has been changed.
Tested with TC 2.7, no issues found.