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Performante Komplexröhren

Diese Modifikation ist zur nicht-kommerziellen Weiterverbreitung, sowie zur freien Bearbeitung und nicht-kommerziellen Neuveröffentlichung der bearbeiteten Modifikation freigegeben, unter Vorraussetzung der Nennung des Original-Autors und Verweis auf das Original-Thema der Modifikation. 



Wir haben ja schon alle vom TCM, dem "tubeless complex mod", gehört, welcher dazu dienen soll, Sektoren mit Komplexen wieder betretbar zu machen. Die Idee dahinter ist nicht schlecht, doch wollte ich auf die Komplexröhren nunmal nicht verzichten. Darum hab ich mich dran gemacht, und mich wieder ein bisschen im modden versucht. Ziel war es, eine Röhre mit möglichst wenig Polygonen zu modden, um möglichst viel Performance zu bekommen.Wer sich für diese interessiert, kann sie natürlich auch downloaden. Es wurden ausschließlich die Röhrenmodelle verändert. Sie können einfach als Mod-Paket verwendet werden, und auch ohne weiteres wieder entfernt. Sollte bereits ein Mod verwendet werden, gibt es verschiedene Wege diese gemeinsam zu nutzen (Stichwort: Fake-Patch). 



Deutsches Thema im Egosoft Forum



More performant complex tubes

It's permitted to non-commercial redistribute this modification. It's also permitted to modify this modification and to non-commercially distribute that modded modification. Each under the additional terms of naming the original author and also linking to the original topic of the modification. 



Once I made some more performant compley tubes (= less polygons) to increase the framerate. They are not as beautiful as the original ones, but they do their job. With that mod my framerates increased again. But I had to learn, that it will not help forever, as complexes are growing, so later I made a version with no tubes at all (similar to the TCM in X³:R, which should work for X³:TC too). They are both in the same .zip-file. 



  • To use this mod, you can use it as a mod-package or as a fake-patch. Only the three tube-models got modified. 
  • To use as a mod-package simply unpack the .zip into your X³:TC main directory and choose the mod-package of your choice when starting X³:TC. 
    • The .cat/.dat of this mod are named in german ... "performante Komplexröhren" means the more performant tubes. "keine Komplexröhren" means the version with no tubes (similar to TCM). 
    • When using as a mod-package you can rename the .cat/.dat as you like ... but it is important that the consecutive .cat and .dat have exactly the same name. The files are located in the ./mods sub-directory. 
  • To use as a fake-patch rename .cat and .dat of the choosen version of the mod to the next higher available number of .cat/.dat in your X³:TC main directory. You must not overwrite existing .cat/.dat-files. 


English topic in the Egosoft forum

Author Saetan
Date Wednesday, 06 July 2016 12:12
File Size 3.07 KB
Download 1,160

Enhanced Equipment Docks

The Modification "Enhanced Equipment Docks" gives more flexible trading stations and equipment docks to the player. They are technically based on a players headquarter, so a free warehouse allocation gets possible. 


For more information, please see the English Topic in the Egosoft.com Forum.


Verbesserte Ausrüstungsdocks 

Die Modifikation "Verbesserte Ausrüstungsdocks" stellt dem Spieler flexiblere Handelsstationen und Ausrüstungsdocks zur Verfügung. Diese basieren technisch auf dem Hauptquartier, wodurch eine freie Lagerraumverteilung ermöglicht wird. 


Weitere Informationen finden sich im Deutschen Thema im Egosoft.com Forum.


Author Saeten
Date Friday, 10 March 2017 17:38
Language  Multilanguage
File Size 5.31 MB
Download 1,744
Author paulwheeler
Date Friday, 23 March 2018 21:57
Language  Multilanguage
File Size 323.87 MB
Download 3,358

Ship Rebalance Mod (SRM) - All Addons zip

This archive includes all zip versions of the addons for the Ship Rebalance Mod by paulwheeler.

You can find the main download here.

For more information on the SRM, please visit the Egosoft.com forum topic here.

Author paulwheeler
Date Friday, 23 March 2018 22:09
Language  Multilanguage
File Size 143.59 MB
Download 938

Ship Rebalance Mod (SRM) - All Addons spk

This archive includes all spk versions of the addons for the Ship Rebalance Mod by paulwheeler plus the two addons SRM Jobs with Enhanced Equipment Spawner and alternate SSRP (with docking computer put back to its vanilla ware size), which are only available as zip.

You can find the main download here.

For more information on the SRM, please visit the Egosoft.com forum topic here.

Author paulwheeler
Date Friday, 23 March 2018 22:17
Language  Multilanguage
File Size 133.34 MB
Download 948

Ship Rebalance Mod (SRM) - Changelog, Stats and Screenshots

This archive includes the changelogs, stats and screenshots for the Ship Rebalance Mod by paulwheeler.

You can find the main download here.

For more information on the SRM, please visit the Egosoft.com forum topic here.

Author paulwheeler
Date Friday, 23 March 2018 22:22
Language  Multilanguage
File Size 3.28 MB
Download 540

Als Kha'ak spielen / Play as a Kha'ak

Author Xenon O
Date Saturday, 05 January 2019 15:01
File Size 21.91 KB
Download 474
Author dertien
Date Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:18
Language  Multilanguage
File Size 85.87 MB
Download 308