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The Teladi Information Service (T.I.S.) is a service provided by the Teladi Trade Organisations Department of Intelligence, which offers valuable information for a certain fee. It can be bought in every Teladi Trade Station for about 150,000 credits. The user can request information on every tradable ware and ship in the universe.

Written by ScRaT_GER.
v7.6: DrBullwinkle updated for AP3.x compatibility (changed tech ware)


Edit: Reuploaded, because the previous link does not work when not being logged in into xdownloads.

Author ScRaT_GER (DrBullwinkle update)
Date Saturday, 30 November 2019 09:48
File Size 47.31 KB
Download 506
Date Saturday, 14 December 2019 13:34
File Size 24.76 KB
Download 653

Allows the player to capture other races' stations, either through docking or using a Transporter Device.

Author Mokunen
Date Monday, 07 June 2021 00:18
File Size 33.05 KB
Download 750